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Revision as of 14:07, 16 November 2007

V!m tel quel est assez lourd à utiliser, alors voici un petit .vimrc toujours à coller dans votre home :

"#                                                                       #
"#               Mon ~/.vimrc par Erwan Laby Ben Souiden                 #
"#               ---------------------------------------                 #
"#                                                                       #
"#last MAJ : 2007-07-07 16:27                                            #
"                                                 #

"# adapte de la conf de Julien

set incsearch " Display the match while typing a search
set autoindent
" On met les chemins pour les tags
set tags=/usr/local/wreport/tags
set background=dark
syntax on
noremap Bs Del
noremap Del Bs
noremap!Bs Del
noremap!Del Bs 
:set bs=2

" Some useful map for editing HTML
map! ,h1 <H1></H1><ESC>2ba
" ViM types <H1></H1>
" then move back 2 words
" then one space to the right
map! ,h2 <H2></H2><ESC>2ba
map! ,h3 <H3></H3><ESC>2ba
map! ,h4 <H4></H4><ESC>2ba
map! ,h5 <H5></H5><ESC>2ba
map! ,h6 <H6></H6><ESC>2ba

map! ,table <TABLE border=""><CR><TAB><CR></TABLE><ESC>2k2f"i
map! ,title <TITLE></TITLE><ESC>2ba

" The killing map ;-)
map! ,htmlall <DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""><CR><HTML lang="fr"><CR><HEAD><CR><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"><CR><TITLE></TITLE><CR></HEAD><CR><CR><BODY><CR><CR></BODY><CR></HTML>

" Some map useful when you have a split editor
map <F2> <esc><C-w>k
map <F3> <esc><C-w>j
map <F4> <esc><C-w>+

map! <F2> <esc><C-w>k
map! <F3> <esc><C-w>j
map! <F4> <esc><C-w>+

map <F12> <esc>:nohlsearch<CR>
map! <F12> <esc>:nohlsearch<CR>

" I almost code in Perl...
map! <F5> <esc>:!perl -c %<CR>
map <F5> :!perl -c %<CR>
map! <F6> <esc><C-]> " To go to function definition
map <F6> <esc><C-]>
map! <F7> <esc><C-T> " To come back to original line
map <F7> <esc><C-T>

" A map to produce standard Perl header (only in editor mode)
map! binperl #!/usr/bin/erl<CR><CR>#############################################################################<CR>#<TAB><TAB>%<TAB><TAB>#<CR>#############################################################################<CR><CR>

" Because tags are helpful
:nmap ,t :!(cd %:p:h;ctags *)&

" When pasting from the right click...
inoremap <silent> <C-a> <ESC>u:set paste<CR>.:set nopaste<CR>gi

filetype plugin on
let g:Perl_AuthorName      = 'Julien Terral'
let g:Perl_AuthorRef       = 'JT'
let g:Perl_Email           = ''
let g:Perl_Company         = 'Weborama SA'
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